Tuesday 24 February 2009

Are publishers' needs opposite to users' needs?

When talking with publishers they often talk about their aspirations for their site along the following lines

1. Different
2. Interactive
3. A place to put all of the relevant documents
4. All of the content related to my project in a single place
5. Ways to get users to look at things that I want them to

Compare that list to the typical things that users say they want from websites
1. Consistent
2. Simple
3. Not just a list of PDFs
4. Content arranged by what I am doing - without having to know the organisation structure
5. Don't let anything get in the way of what I'm trying to do - don't make me wade through irrelevant links

Okay, I may have slightly stretched the point, but it is certainly interesting to compare our drivers as intranet publishers and managers with those of the user. 

Do you have any examples of the tensions between users and publishers needs? I would love to hear them. 

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